Updated SASSA R350 Grant Rules for South Africa

By | April 25, 2022

The Department of Social Development has announced that South Africans will need to reapply for the R350 Social Relief of Distress grant as the government moves away from the national state of disaster framework.

The entire application system remains a purely digital process, which will enable quick access and turnaround times, the department said. Applications can be lodged on the SASSA website and further communication will be issued as more application channels are opened.

“All applicants are reminded that they will be considered for the Covid-19 SRD from the month in which the application is lodged, and this will be validated every month.

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Updated SASSA R350 Grant Rules for South Africa

Department tells Those in need to Reapply for SASSA R350 SRD Grant

The grant was initially introduced and distributed under the Disaster Management Act to provide relief to poor people and those left vulnerable due to the Covid pandemic. It will now be transferred under the Social Assistance Act.

During his State of the Nation address, President Cyril Ramaphosa announced that the R350 grant would be extended. More than 10 million people depend on state money.

“Given that the national state of disaster was lifted in April, the Department of Social Development has endeavored to develop the regulatory framework for the payment of the Covid-19 SRD grant within the Social Assistance legislation,” it said.

The department put out regulations for public comment in February and has now concluded the process.

“The final steps such as obtaining the required concurrence and certification from the relevant departments have now been concluded, and the minister of social development has published the regulation through proclamation in the government gazette, notice 2042