Department Of Science And Technology Odisha

By | December 14, 2021

Department Of Science And Technology Odisha, The Science & Technology Department came in to being in the year 1991 after being bifurcated from the erstwhile Department of Science, Technology and Environment.

It is the Nodal Department for the promotion of Science & Technology in the State. The manifold scientific and technological activities of the Department are carried out by State Council on Science & Technology and through its agencies- Odisha Renewable Energy Development Agency (OREDA), Odisha Space Application Centre (ORSAC), Odisha Bigyan Academy (OBA), Pathani Samanta Planetarium (PSP), Institute of Mathematics & Applications (IM&A) and Institute of Materials Science (IMS). 

1. Aims and objectives of the organization

(i) To keep abreast of the latest developments in the field of Science and Technology and to take steps for dissemination of these among institutions like industries, research laboratories, Universities and among scientists and technologists.

(ii) To co-ordinate the R & D Programmes of different departments, industrial and research institutions and to ensure scientific and technical co-operation among these institutions and agencies.

(iii) To formulate and fund research and application programmes in the field of science and technology.

(iv) To encourage, develop and extend the use of renewable sources of energy including energy plantations.

(v) To popularise Remote Sensing Technology and make effective use of it.

(vi) To popularise science and technology among students and the people so as to inculcate in them a scientific temper and attitude.

(vii) Promote and popularize appropriate rural technologies.

(viii) Development of Library and documentation Centre for Science & Technology.

(ix) Science and Technology communication through awareness promotion, support to Institutions for Seminars/ Workshops etc., development of Science Centres and administration of Pathani Samanta Planetarium.

(x) To conduct Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Development Programmes.

(xi) To undertake fundamental research in mathematics and its application.

(xii) To conduct basic and applied research in the frontier areas  of Material Science & Engineering.

(xiii) Development of Biotechnology – Biotechnology is a frontier area of technology with immense benefits to society in diverse areas such as food, security, nutritional supplementation, health care productions and industrial applications. Considering the diversified resources of the State, this cutting edge technology has a potential to make a significant contribution to the economy of the State.

2. Mission  /  Vision – Stated as above at point -1

3. Brief history and background for its establishment.

The S&T Department came into existence on 1st April 1991 after getting bifurcated from Science, Technology and Environment Department. The activities of the Department are published every year in Annual Activities Report.

4. Allocation of business

(a) Development of Science & Technology

(i) State Council on Science & Technology

(ii) Nodal Agency for promotion of S&T in the State

(iii) Application of Remote Sensing Technologies and Administration of Odisha Remote Sensing Application Centre

(iv) Encouragement to and funding of application oriented research in Science & Technology

(v) Development and Administration of specific institution for research in the field of Science & Tech. Including Institutes of Life Sciences, Institute of Material Sciences.

(vi) Promotion and Dev. Of research on institutions in the field of atmospheric Sciences, Astronomical Sciences, Ocean Resources.

(vii) Science and Technology Communication through Awareness Promotion, Support to Institution Organisations for Seminar/ Workshops etc. Development of Science Centrs and Administration of PSP.

(viii) Science & Tech. Entrepreneurship Dev. Programme.

(ix) Dev. Of Library & Documentation Centre for S&T

(x) Odisha Bigyan Academy

(xi) Pathani Samanta Planetarium

(xii) Popularization of Science

(xiii)  Administration of Institute of Mathematics & Applications