Department Of Science And Technology Himachal Pradesh

By | December 14, 2021

Department Of Science And Technology Himachal Pradesh, To exercise all the powers vested under all Act and Rules pertaining to protection of environment & control of pollution. Implementation/ enforcement of all environment legislation on behalf of the State Government, which cannot be implemented by State Board, or any other agency:

  1. Water [Prevention and Control of Pollution] Act, 1974.
  2. Water [Prevention and Control of Pollution] Cess Act, 1977.
  3. Air [Prevention and Control of Pollution] Act, 1981.
  4. Environment [Protection] Act, 1986, (Rules listed below);
  5. Bio-medical Waste [Management and Handling] Rules, 1998.
  6. Hazardous Waste [Management and Handling] Rules, 1989.
  7. Manufacture, Storage and Import of Hazardous Chemical Rules, 1989.
  8. Rules for manufacture, use, import and storage of Hazardous Microorganisms, genetically Engineered Micro-organism or Cells, 1989.
  9. The Recycled Plastic Manufacture and Usage Rules, 1999.
  10. The Ozone Depleting Substances [Regulation and Control] Rules, 2000.
  11. The Batteries [Management and Handling] Rules, 2001.
  12. The Noise Pollution [Regulation and Control] Rules, 2000.
  13. The Municipal Solid Wastes [Management and Handling] Rules, 2000.

To consider the validity and facts contained in the Environmental Impact Assessment and monitoring of Environment Management Plan prepared by the Project Proponents. 
Other functions under environment and pollution control as under:

  1. Collection, preparation and dissemination of “Environmental Inventory” on the State Resources in particular and on the Himalayan Region in general.
  2. To deal with all matters pertaining to environmental awareness among the masses, trainings, and research on the environment and pollution control.
  3. Monitoring and assessment of impact of development of projects on environment.
  4. Dovetailing of the environmental concerns in the development processes through Environmental Planning to ensure environmentally compatible land use and ecosystem specific conservation and sustainable use of all resources.
  5. Research and Development on the environment protection and pollution control independently as well as in collaboration with premier institutions in the field of environment.
  6. Inventorisation of sources of hazardous chemicals and waste, creation of database on the treatment technologies and providing consultancy for the concerned.
  7. To study the likely impacts of agricultural and horticultural activities and study of “Non-Point Sources of Pollution” such as chemical fertilizers, pesticides, insecticides and other chemicals on soil and water resources, flora, fauna and communities in the State and to suggest mitigation measures/alternatives in this regard.
  8. To advise the Government on the Environmental issues.
  9. To examine the cases of Environment Impact Assessment and recommend the same to the Government of India.
  10. Complete control of SEIA & MC, SEIAA & SEAC under EIA mechanism.
  11. Monitoring of implementation of Environmental Safeguards as specified by the Government of India at the time of Environment Clearance to the various project Proponents in the State.
  12. Monitoring of Pollution Control measures/ devices adopted by the various industries/proponents.
  13. All matters pertaining to Natural and man-made disasters and to suggests mitigation/ remedial action plan programmes.
  14. To create data bank on disaster management related to potential industrial accidents and mitigation through instruments such as Onsite and Offsite Emergency Plan and Public Liability Insurance cover etc.
  15. To make coordination among the various agencies of the State Government, which are involved in environment protection and pollution control such as H.P. State Environment Protection and Pollution Control Board.
  16. To deal with all matters relating to Bio-diversity, Biosphere, Mitigation and Management of Natural Disasters, Protection and Conservation of the Wetlands, Grass-lands etc.
  17. To deal with all environmental education programmes, awareness programmes and to promote pro-active disclosure of environment monitoring and management information by the project proponents and the regulators.
  18. To deal with all matters relating to the environmental litigation with respect to aforesaid rules and regulation and Acts.
  19. Formulation/ maintenance of environmental standards in respect of various pollutants in the State.
  20. Natural Disaster and Climate Change.


  1. To develop/modify/adapt new technologies in any area relevant to the State of Himachal Pradesh.
  2. To disseminate and propagate new technologies for improvement of scientific intervention in developmental needs in the State.
  3. To create new databases with the use of modern technologies.
  4. To develop appropriate technologies for use in the State of Himachal Pradesh.
  5. Propagation of use of Space Technology to develop models for optimum use of resources that promote alternative sustainable mode of development.
  6. To enhance scientific and technical capacity and infrastructure in the State.
  7. To develop effective liaison with national and international scientific institutions.
  8. To evolve Science & Technology Policy for The State.
  9. To address issues like:- Organic Pollution, Research and Development, Clean Technologies, Carrying Capacity studies, Life cycles, Sustainable Development, Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering.
  10. To direct efforts towards evolving and establishing industrial and technological linkages.
  11. Establishing efficient State-wide system of scientific and technological information.
  12. To promote the role and importance of science & technology in socio-economic development.
  13. Promoting relevance of science towards society and enhancing gender equality in participation of S&T input.
  14. Promote conclusion, linkages and networking among S&T institutions including Universities, Industry, Research and Development, NGO and the Government Sector.
  15. Undertake capacity building programmes to promote emerging technologies under science popularisation programme.


  1. Formulation and implementation of Bio-Technology Policy in the State.
  2. Strengthening of Human Resource and existing infrastructure in Bio-Technology and its continuous improvement for generating skilled manpower in Bio-Technology and Technological upgradation of R&D Institutes and Universities within the State.
  3. Promotion of Bio-Technology and Bio-informatics based activities for entrepreneurship development and employment generation in the State with emphasis on industries based on local bio-resource including forest/animal genetic resource and tissue culture.
  4. Generation of resources from Government of India and international donors for promoting emerging technologies in Bio-Technology.
  5. Establishment of Bio-Technology incubation facilities in private/public/joint sectors.
  6. Setting up of Bio-Technology parks and Bio-Technology Industrial Clusters at various locations in the State.
  7. Diversification of farming through introduction of superior and disease free improved genotypes, development of protocols and their refinement for commercial production (including medicinal and aromatic herbs, orchids and other ornamental plants).
  8. To attract small entrepreneurs and other industrial houses for making investments in Bio-Technology bases ventures in the State.
  9. Development of marketing network for products based on Bio-Technology at national as well as international level.
  10. Establishment of Joint Venture Companies (JVCs) with private investors/other organizations with an integrated approach from laburatory to industry and market.
  11. Creation of Venture Capital Fund for promotion of Bio-Technology based business.
  12. Setting up of facility for organic certification in the State.
  13. Implementation of Rules for manufacture use, import, export and storage of hazardous micro-organisms genetically engineered organisms cells or crops.


To conserve and improve the environment and natural resources of the State.


To plan, coordinate, promote and oversee the environment conservation and enhancement programmes through environmentally compatible management practices and technologies.


  • Planning, coordinating, promoting and overseeing the environment, science & technology and pollution prevention, abatement and control activities and programmes for environment protection, conservation and enhancement by regulation, policy formulation, supervision and monitoring using innovative technologies.
  • Strengthening of environment awareness, assessment, advocacy and action by facilitating organized collection, collation and dissemination of environmental information.
  • Promote evaluation of environmental interventions through appraisal and assessment and benchmarking of standards.
  • To facilitate monitoring & evaluation, decentralized planning & decision making through web based GIS applications.
  • To deploy appropriate strategies for adaptation & mitigation of impacts of climate change including enhanced monitoring of glaciers & updation of glacial inventory.