Department Of Culture Arts And Traditional Affairs

By | December 14, 2021

Department Of Culture Arts And Traditional Affairs, purpose is to Reengineering of Arts, Culture and Heritage programs into economic enhancement activities.


A thriving arts, culture and traditional affairs sector contributing to sustainable economic development in a socially cohesive Bokone Bophirima.


To enhance job creation by preserving, protecting and developing arts, culture, heritage and the institution of traditional leadership to reposition, renew and rebrand Bokone Bophirima through VTSD Strategy.


Saamwerk-Saamtrek: Demonstrating cooperation and inclusivity in service. 
Revocracy: finding creative solutions. 
Accountability: taking responsibility for actions and decisions. 
Integrity: doing the rights even when not watched. 
Transparency: being open to scrutiny.


Reengineering of Arts, Culture and Heritage programs into economic enhancement activities.

Strategic Objective:

• To advance artistic disciplines into viable opportunities for communities in Bokone Bophirima.

• To coordinate and implement the RHR (Reconciliation Healing and Renewal programmes).

• To coordinate and implement the Village, and Township small Dorpies Enterprise Development Strategy.

Strategic Objective Statement:

• The Promotion development and transformation of all cultural activities in Bokone Bophirima, in order to contribute towards nation building, good governance, social and human capital development and sustainable economic growth and opportunities.

• To promote and advance social cohesion through Reconciliation, Healing and Renewal initiatives within communities of Bokone Bophirima.

• To promote advance socio-economic initiatives through the VTSD strategy with the view of promoting local economic development.


Strategic Objective

To accelerate transformation of Bokone Bophirima’s heritage landscapeby various services to conserve, develop and promote the heritage of Bokone Bophirima through the affiliated museum services and affiliated heritage institutions.

Strategic Objective Statement:

The promotion, development and transformation of all museums and heritage services in Bokone Bophirima, in order to contribute towards nation building, good governance, social and human capital development, and sustainable economic growth and opportunities.


Strategic Objective

• To promote multilingualism, redress past linguistic imbalances and promote the development of the previously marginalised languages as well as Sign Language in Bokone Bophirima.

Strategic Objective Statement

• Promotion of previously marginalised languages, promote a culture of reading and writing across society, and the respect of oral knowledge and histories.