South African Police Service Crime Statistics

By | December 19, 2021

The South African Police Service (SAPS) has accepted a new and challenging objective of ensuring that it’s crime statistics are in line with international best practices. This will be achieved through a Memorandum of Understanding with Statistics South Africa (Stats SA), aimed at further enhancing the quality and integrity of the South African crime statistics. 

The crime statistics generated by SAPS are an important link in the value chain of the statistics system that informs policy development and planning in the criminal justice system. The collaboration with StatsSA will go a long way in enhancing the integrity of the SAPS crime statistics and ensuring that policy-makers have quality data to assist them with making policy decisions.

Call Crime Stop at 08600 10111 


First Quarter 2021/2022 Crime Stats Presentation

Second Quarter 2021/2022 Crime Stats Presentation

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PeriodQuarterDescriptionDownload Document
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2021/2022Second Quarter StatsSecond Quarter Crime Statistics 2021/2022Document