Minister Of Higher Education Training And Innovation Namibia

By | December 13, 2021

Minister Of Higher Education Training And Innovation Namibia, The underlying mandate of the Ministry of Higher Education, Training and Innovation (MHETI) is to regulate higher education and to promote training and innovation in order to drive Namibia towards a knowledge-based economy. The MHETI derives its legislative mandate from the following Acts of Parliament:

  • Higher Education Act, 2003 (Act No. 26 of 2003)
  • Vocational and Training Education Act, 2008 (Act No. 1 of 2008)
  • Namibia Students Financial Assistance Fund Act, 2000 (Act 26 of 2000)
  • Namibia Qualifications Authority Act, 1996 (Act No. 29 of 1996)
  • Research, Science, and Technology Act, 2004 (Act No. 23 of 2004)


The Ministry of Higher Education, Training and Innovation is responsible for delivering quality higher education to the Namibian nation through the advancement of quality programmes and credible projects in the higher education, training and innovation sector.

The Ministry is fully committed to the realisation of Namibia’s national development goals as outlined in Vision 2030, the Harambee Prosperity Plan and National Development Plan 4. As such, the Ministry plays a vital role in accelerating the development agenda of the country through its overall governance of the higher education, training and innovation sector.

Vision 2030 states that Namibia is be transformed into an industrialised nation with equal opportunities and an improved quality of life for all; a globally competitive nation developed by its own human resources; a nation which realises its maximum growth potential in a sustainable manner. In order to achieve this vision, Namibia must have strong higher education, and vocational education and training systems, as well as a functional national innovation system. These systems must produce competitive human resources capable of driving the economy. This is what the Ministry aims to achieve.

Our Vision

A highly skilled, innovative and competitive workforce.

Our Mission

Accelerating the development of high-level skills and competencies through equitable funding and access to quality higher education training and innovation.

Our Commitment

We commit to:

  • Regular communication with our customers through meetings, correspondence and information sharing in order to get their opinions and input for the purpose of improving our services
  • Treating our customer in a considerate, courteous and open manner
  • Being honest, consistent and professional in all our dealings

Our Core Values

We strive to execute our duties within the following guiding values:

  • Ethics and Integrity: We will demonstrate adherence to ethical principles in the way we carry out our professional duties. We will conduct ourselves in a dignified manner in order to uphold the reputation of our Ministry by being honest and truthful in our dealings.
  • Public Accountability: We will acknowledge and take responsibility for our actions, decisions, and policies including the administration, governance and implementation within the scope of our role and encompassing the obligation to report, explaining and being answerable for resulting consequences.
  • Effective Governance: We will promote good practices and principles by managing public resources in an effective and efficient manner in order to meet the needs of Namibian citizens at all levels.
  • Teamwork: Teamwork will be our modus operandi for achieving strategic objectives, as this is the most important and most effective way of working. Team building will be an important tool for every institution.
  • Empathy and Mutual Respect: Every member of the Ministry will show respect for the opinion and work of colleague. We will uphold high morals and ethical principles and standards of honesty, fairness to all, trust and respect. We will conduct ourselves in a dignified manner in order to uphold the reputation of the Ministry.
  • Professionalism: Institutions and individuals will exercise a high level of professionalism, never compromising on the Ministry’s values and standards. Staff members will continuously use their skills and competencies in seeking opportunities to improve through innovative approaches. Professionalism involves working collaboratively and fairly with the common goal of serving customers/stakeholders. Sharing knowledge of best practices with colleagues at all levels, and enhancing the quality of our services will be a practical expression of professionalism.
  • Commitment: We will demonstrate commitment to the Ministry’s objectives of providing accessible, equitable, inclusive and high quality tertiary education. Such commitment will provide the foundation for continuous improvement within the Ministry’s activities.
  • Innovation: We encourage innovation and creativity through continuous learning and acquiring of new knowledge and skills to enhance the performance of individuals and the Ministry as a whole.

Our Key Stakeholders

The key stakeholders and customers of the Ministry are:

  • Public and Private Higher Education Institutions (i.e. universities, colleges)
  • Public and Private Technical Vocational Education and Training Centres (VTCs)
  • Sphere of Government – Local, National and Regional Organisations
  • Research Organisations
  • Student Representative Bodies
  • Non-Governmental Organisations
  • Public Entities
  • International Organisations
  • Education and Training Experts
  • Industry and Business Entities
  • General Public