Department Of Water And Sanitation Training

By | December 6, 2021

Department Of Water And Sanitation Training, The Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS) Learning Academy is a response to specific scarce and technical skill-related issues that are affecting both the Department and the National Water Sector. The Learning Academy is committed to the effective administration of the programme ensuring the provision of an immediate response to the perceived and imminent threat of skills shortages within DWS and the water sector in South Africa.

The immediate objectives of the Learning Academy are to forestall a skills shortage within DWS that will arise from the retirement of senior engineering and technical management personnel. In the long-term, the Learning Academy will lead a sustained campaign to secure a steady supply of high level skills in water-related science, engineering, and management to meet projected demand within DWS and the water sector.

The scope of work of the Learning Academy is covering the full spectrum knowledge acquisition including outreach and public understanding of the water sector, supporting academic and vocational training programmes in South Africa, and incubating specifically professionally qualified blacks and female employees within DWS.

The Learning Academy is focused on supporting academic programmes through bursaries and experiential training (Learner Interns). In addition young, inexperienced graduates (Graduate Trainees) are accommodated in a mentoring programme that includes amongst others on the job training, active involvement and participation in real time projects, and attendance of specialised training interventions.

The project is designed to address:

  • Skills gaps in specific technical areas of DWS.
  • Skills gaps in the overall water supply value chain.
  • Planning and building capacity for the immediate, medium and long term needs of DWS and the water sector.