Department Of Water And Sanitation Hydrology

By | December 9, 2021

Department Of Water And Sanitation Hydrology, The mission of the Department of Water and Sanitation is to serve the people of South Africa by: making a positive impact on the country and its people as custodians of its water and sanitation resources, and as innovative and committed partners in the drive for sustainable development; being service- and delivery-orientated; leading its sector and enabling partners with the knowledge and capacity to ensure that all water services are delivered; being committed to innovation and using cutting-edge technology as a catalyst for positive change, connecting its people and enabling them to work anywhere, anytime; and having a heart that values its investment in its people.

The Department provides them with a caring and trusting environment that encourages personal development and is a breeding ground for talent.

The Department’s strategic goals are: to be an efficient, effective, and development-orientated sector leader; equitable and sustainable provision of raw water; provision of equitable and sustainable water services of an acceptable quantity and quality; and protection of freshwater ecosystems.

Hydrological Services – Surface Water (Data, Dams, Floods and Flows)
Data, Dams and Flow Information
Verified DataData from the Hydrological Information System and Peak Flows (monthly and hydrological year)
Unverified Data and ForecastsNear real-time stage, flows and rainfall, as well as routed hydrographs showing actual and predicted stage and flows in major rivers in South Africa
Orange RiverDaily flows, dam level and rainfall information in the Vaal and Orange River System
State of DamsWeekly state of approximately 210 dams in South Africa
Rainfall TrendsProvincial Rainfall Trends (data supplied by SAWS)
Flood Monitoring in the Orange-Vaal system
Unverified Data and ForecastsNear real-time stage, flows and rainfall from stations in the Orange-Vaal system, as well as Routed hydrograph, showing actual and predicted stage and flows in the rivers
Vaal DamDam Optimisation: Routing through dams showing capacity, inflow and outflow
Bloemhof Dam
Gariep Dam
Vanderkloof Dam
Flow LinesCapability for users to observe flow lines and levels over a range of flows from Vaal to Bloemhof Dam