Department Of Tourism Gauteng

By | January 9, 2022

Department Of Tourism Gauteng, The aim of the Gauteng Department of Economic Development is to lead, facilitate and manage sustainable job creation and inclusive economic growth and development in the Gauteng city region.

The Department’s mission is to be an activist, interventionist and developmentally-focused department contributing to an inclusive and growing economy in Gauteng by providing thought leadership to inform the economic development agenda; mobilising stakeholders to partner with for economic growth and development; creating an enabling regulatory environment and stimulating business practices that promote inclusive economic growth; enhancing the competitive advantage of key sectors of the economy; promoting and attracting trade and investment to the economy; directing investment into strategic economic infrastructure; and proactively linking communities to economic opportunities. 

The Department’s strategic goals are to provide integrated economic and development planning; facilitate the implementation of strategic programmes that will stimulate the brand, competitiveness and social transformation of Gauteng, enhance trade and export promotion, and attract investment; promote an efficient, equitable and socially responsible business environment; act as an economic intelligence nerve centre to inform strategic decision-making and targeted sector development strategies; and promote public accountability and achieve high standards of corporate governance and efficient resource utilisation.

Department of Tourism

Strategic Overview
Leading sustainable tourism development for inclusive economic growth in South Africa.
To grow an inclusive and sustainable tourism economy through: 

  • good corporate and cooperative governance;
  • strategic partnerships and collaboration;
  • innovation and knowledge management; and
  • effective stakeholder communication.

Performance values 

  • Innovative: Leveraging of resources and partnerships to optimise delivery to our stakeholders, and being responsive to change. 
  • Ethical (good corporate governance): Encapsulating the principles of integrity, 
  • transparency and accountability.
  • Customer focus: Providing services and solutions in a manner that is efficient, effective and responsive.

Organisational values 

  • Empowerment: Create an environment conducive to growth and development for   our people
  • Integrity: Act with integrity by maintaining the highest standards for accountability,  serving with respect, honesty and trustworthiness. 
  • Recognition: Be an organisation that values its own people by ensuring fairness  of systems and processes, being supportive as well as recognising and rewarding performance.

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