Department Of Social Welfare & Development Quezon City Metro Manila

By | December 14, 2021

Department Of Social Welfare & Development Quezon City Metro Manila, The Department of Social Welfare and Development envisions all Filipinos free from hunger and poverty, have equal access to opportunities, enabled by a fair, just, and peaceful society.


To lead in the formulation, implementation, and coordination of social welfare and development policies and programs for and with the poor, vulnerable, and disadvantaged.

Core Values and DSWD Brand

  • Maagap at Mapagkalingang Serbisyo
  • Serbisyong Walang Puwang sa Katiwalian
  • Patas na Pagtrato sa Komunidad

Organizational Outcomes

1. Well-being of poor families improved
2. Rights of poor and vulnerable sectors promoted and protected
3. Immediate relief and early recovery of disaster victims/survivors ensured
4. Continuing compliance of social welfare and development (SWD) agencies to standards in the delivery of social welfare services ensured
5. Delivery of social welfare and development (SWD) programs by local government units (LGUs), through local social welfare and development offices (LSWDOs), improved

As the lead agency in social welfare and development, the Department exercises the following functions:

  • Formulates policies and plans which provide direction to intermediaries and other implementers in the development and delivery of social welfare and development services.
  • Develops and enriches existing programs and services for specific groups, such as children and youth, women, family and communities, solo parents, older persons and Persons with Disabilities (PWDs);
  • Registers, licenses and accredits individuals, agencies and organizations engaged in social welfare and development services, sets standards and monitors the empowerment and compliance to these standards.
  • Provides technical assistance and capability building to intermediaries; and
  • Provides social protection of the poor, vulnerable and disadvantaged sector, DSWD also gives augmentation funds to local government units so these could deliver SWD services to depressed municipalities and barangays and provide protective services to individuals, families and communities in crisis situation.


The Secretary has the authority and responsibility to exercise the mandate of the Department and discharge its powers and functions, and thus exercises supervision and control over the entire Department. The Secretary shall also directly supervise and monitor the performance of all Field Offices (FOs) to ensure the delivery of strategic outputs, including timely, efficient, and effective program implementation. As such, all FOs shall report directly to the Secretary.


The OSG shall be headed by the Undersecretary for Social Welfare and Development, (USSWD) assisted by the Assistant Secretary for OSEC Concerns, and includes the Internal Audit Service (IAS), the Social Marketing Service (SMS), the Information and Communications Technology Management Service (ICTMS), the Administration Office, and the Operations Center.

 Operations Center

The Operations Center is responsible for establishing and operating the required systems to allow the Department to have easy access to information and data regarding the Department’s personnel, stocks, funds, warehouses, events, beneficiaries, and any other system that the Secretary may require. While part of the OSG, it shall be overseen directly by the Secretary and the USSWD.


The Assistant Secretary for OSEC Concerns assists the USSWD oversee the OSG, and serves as the Coach Monitor of the IAS, the SMS, the ICTMS, and the Administration Office. The Assistant Secretary for OSEC Concerns shall also perform other tasks the Secretary may assign.

 Internal Audit Service (IAS)

The Internal Audit Service (IAS) assists DSWD Management in all matters relating to operations and management control by independently appraising the adequacy and effectiveness of internal controls, and conducting management and operations audits.

 Social Marketing Service (SMS)

The Social Marketing Service (SMS) is responsible for undertaking advocacy, social marketing, and networking activities to promote social change and to nurture the DSWD’s relationships with its publics and stakeholders. The SMS shall institutionalize feedback mechanisms to ensure that the development policies and messages embodied in the DSWD vision, mission, and goal are effectively communicated.

 Information and Communications Technology Management Service (ICTMS)

The Information and Communications Technology Management Service (ICTMS) is the DSWD’s primary provider of information management, communication services, and technology solutions, to support the DSWD’s social welfare and development strategies. It is responsible for determining and recommending necessary and cost-effective infrastructures and systems that enhance the DSWD’s competency in information and communications technology (ICT) governance. The ICTMS serves as the service manager for Department-wide ICT systems and infrastructure through a mainstreamed approach. It fosters the efficient and effective use of ICT in the DSWD. It provides advice, tools, information, and services to help OBSUs and FOs use ICT to improve administration and service delivery. Finally, it aligns its organization to an internationally recognized best practice framework, following a service-oriented information technology organizational structure model.(( 

 Administrative Office 

 The Administration Office provides the Secretary administrative and technical support as well as field programs management. It serves as the link between the Secretary on one hand, and the different Clusters within the Central Office as well as the FOs on the other, to ensure the delivery of strategic outputs, including timely, efficient, and effective implementation of programs.


The Operations Group shall be responsible for formulating, developing, and executing social welfare and development programs and policies which specifically crafted to address particular clienteles in varying incidents.

 The Operations Group shall be headed by the Undersecretary for Operations, and shall have two (2) Sub-Clusters: the Statutory Programs Sub-Cluster and the Specialized Programs Sub-Cluster.


The Office of the Undersecretary for Operations shall be responsible for leading the implementation of the Department’s programs for social welfare and development, as mandated by laws, as well as directives of the President and of the Secretary. Particularly, the Undersecretary for Operations is concerned with the effective implementation of DSWD’s statutory programs, flagship social protection programs, disaster response projects, as well as other timely and relevant social welfare concerns as they emerge. Finally, the Undersecretary for Operations oversees three (3) Sub-Clusters: the Statutory Programs Sub-Cluster, the Specialized Programs Sub-Cluster, and the Disaster Response Management Sub-Cluster.


The Statutory Programs Sub-Cluster is the strategic grouping sector aimed primarily on social welfare programs and services, which is in furtherance of the Department’s statutory mandate. In attending to the Department’s clients, these programs provide essential safeguards against social segregation and further disadvantage due to rapid social changes and other unforeseen circumstances.

The Statutory Programs Sub-Cluster shall be headed by the Assistant Secretary for Statutory Programs, and shall include the Program Management Bureau (PMB), the International Social Service Office (ISSO), and the Unconditional Cash Transfer National Program Management Office (UCT NPMO).

Program Management Bureau (PMB)

The PMB shall ensure the responsive and efficient implementation of social welfare and development (SWD) programs, projects, and services for the vulnerable and marginalized sectors of society. It shall implement programs prescribed by laws, particularly those concerning SWD sectors, e.g., children, youth, women, senior citizens, and persons with disabilities. The PMB shall be headed by a Director, who shall be assisted by two Assistant Bureau Directors.

 International Social Services Office (ISSO)

The ISSO shall be the central authority on matters related to international social services for Overseas Filipinos. The ISSO shall have technical supervision over International Social Services Offices (ISSOs) at foreign posts, shall coordinate and address concerns and requirements of ISSOs at foreign posts which are elevated to the ISSO and the CO, and shall ensure that ISSOs at foreign posts deliver and provide appropriate, effective, and efficient programs and services for distressed and undocumented Overseas Filipinos and their families.  

 Unconditional Cash Transfer National Program Management Office (UCT NPMO)

The UCT NPMO shall manage the day-to-day operations of the Unconditional Cash Transfer Program (UCT). It shall implement the UCT, which seeks to provide cash grants to poor households and individuals who may not benefit from the lower income tax rates but may be adversely affected by rising prices.


The Specialized Programs Sub-Cluster is the strategic grouping of the flagship social protection programs of the Department that provide investment to human capital through sustainable livelihood, community-driven development, and assistance to individuals in crisis situations.

 The Specialized Programs Sub-Cluster shall be headed by the Assistant Secretary for Specialized Programs, and shall include the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program National Program Management Office (4Ps NPMO), the Kalahi-CIDSS National Program Management Office (KC NPMO), and the Sustainable Livelihood Program National Program Management Office (SLP NPMO).


 The Office of the Assistant Secretary for Specialized Programs assists the Undersecretary for Operations in the overall management and implementation of the programs and services under the Sub-Cluster.

 Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program National Program Management Office (4Ps NPMO)

 The 4Ps NPMO executes all plans, policies, tasks and activities in the implementation of the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps).

 The 4Ps NPMO is headed by the Secretary as the National Project Director, assisted by the Assistant Secretary for Specialized Programs as Deputy Project Director for Operations, and by the Undersecretary for GASSG as Deputy Project Director for Finance.

 The Deputy Project Director for Operations is assisted by a National Program Manager and two Deputy Program Managers who coordinate the day-to-day operations of the 4Ps, primarily data generation and processing the payment of conditional cash grants and provision of Technical Assistance to Regional Program Management Offices (RPMOs), which are in turn in charge of program implementation

 The Deputy Project Director for Finance is assisted by the Assistant Service Director for Special Projects of the Finance and Management Service (FMS). The FMS Special Projects group shall be in charge of the financial aspect of the 4Ps, including budgeting, payroll generation and processing, downloading of funds to Authorized Government Depository Banks (AGDBs), liquidation, and preparation and submission of financial-related reports.

In each of the seventeen (17) regions, there shall be an RPMO, which shall supervise the day-to-day operations and implementation of the 4Ps. The RPMO shall be headed by the Regional Director as Regional Program Manager, assisted by the Assistant Regional Director for Operations as Deputy Regional Program Manager. Regional Program Managers shall be assisted by the Regional Program Coordinator, who shall in turn coordinate the activities of the Provincial Operations Offices, which shall in turn provide Technical Assistance and supervision to field implementers, mainly Municipal Links, City Links, and Social Welfare Assistants.

 Kalahi-CIDSS National Program Management Office (KC NPMO)

 The KC NPMO is responsible for the overall management of the KALAHI-CIDSS Program and other projects implemented using the community-driven development approach.

 Sustainable Livelihood Program National Program Management Office (SLP NPMO)

The SLP NPMO is responsible for managing the implementation of the Sustainable Livelihood Program (SLP), and shall lead the DSWD’s efforts in establishing linkages and networks for potential partners.


The Disaster Response Management Group provides leadership, staff expertise and support in managing and administering financial resources, facilities, warehouses, physical infrastructure, personnel, legal management and assistance, supplies, and other logistical and procurement activities, including the production of Family Food Packs (FFPs) and donation facilitation, in a manner that is transparent, accountable, proactive, results-oriented, and value-adding to the stewardship of DSWD resources.

It shall be headed by the Undersecretary Secretary for Disaster Response Management, assisted by the Assistant Secretary for Disaster Response Management, and shall include the Disaster Response Management Bureau (DRMB) and the National Resource and Logistics Management Bureau (NRLMB).


 The OUSDRM shall assist the Secretary in leading the implementation of the disaster response programs, activities, and projects of the DSWD and of the National Response Clusters of NDRRMC.


The OASDRM shall be responsible for providing advice and assistance to the Secretary and the USDRM. It shall focus on preparedness planning and response and counter measures research.

Disaster Response Management Bureau (DRMB)

The DRMB leads in developing, implementing, and coordinating the DSWD’s disaster response management programs, projects, and services for victims of disasters.

National Resource and Logistics Management Bureau (NRLMB)

The NRLMB shall be responsible for managing relief goods (food and non-food items) and volunteers assisting the NRLMB and other production hubs.


The SOG is responsible for fulfilling the Department’s roles on policy and plans development, regulation of Social Welfare and Development Agencies (SWDAs), national poverty targeting at the family level, and liaising with Congress and partners for priority social safety nets, social welfare and development policies. It also provides leadership in various inter-office and inter-agency committees, councils, technical working groups at the national, regional (ASEAN) and international levels in communicating, advocating, coordinating and collaborating matters along the areas of social protection and social welfare.

The SOG shall be composed of two (2) Sub-Clusters: the Standards and Capacity-Building Sub-Cluster and the Policy and Plans Sub-Cluster. Each Sub-Cluster shall be headed by an Undersecretary, assisted by an Assistant Secretary.

There shall also be a Department Legislative Liaison Office (DLLO), which shall be attached to the office of the designated Department Legislative Liaison Officer.

Department Legislative Liaison Office (DLLO)

The DLLO provides Department Legislative Liaison Officer needed technical and administrative support. It also promotes the DSWD Legislative Agenda and other proposed legislative measures identified as urgent by the Executive Department through sustained day-to-day collaboration with both Houses of Congress, as well as with other interest groups to generate maximum support for the DSWD Legislative Agenda.


The Standards and Capacity-Building Sub-Cluster shall be responsible for regulating and managing SWDAs, to ensure the competence of DSWD partners in implementing social welfare and development programs and services.

The Standards and Capacity-Building Sub-Cluster shall be headed by Undersecretary for Standards and Capacity-Building, assisted by the Assistant Secretary for Standards and Capacity-Building, and shall include the Standards Bureau (SB), the Social Welfare Institutional Development Bureau (SWIDB), and the Social Technology Bureau (STB).


The OUSSCB shall provide overall supervision, policy direction, and input in the management and operations of the key offices under its Sub-Cluster, including standards setting and quality assurance.


The OASSCB shall be responsible for providing overall support and assistance to the Secretary and the USSCB, including the regulation and management of SWDAs, to ensure the competence of DSWD partners in implementing social welfare and development programs and services.

Standards Bureau (SB)

The SB is responsible for fulfilling the regulatory and quality assurance roles of the DSWD along the development of quality assurance measures in the management of SWDAs and in the implementation of programs and services for the poor, vulnerable, and marginalized sectors of society. It shall set standards for the registration and licensing of SWDAs, and accreditation of programs and services of SWDAs and service providers implementing social welfare and development programs and services.

Social Welfare Institutional Development Bureau (SWIDB)

The SWIDB is responsible for enhancing the competencies of DSWD staff and partners (intermediaries and stakeholders) in performing and achieving its goals as the lead in the social welfare and social protection sector.

Social Technology Bureau (STB)

The STB is responsible for developing and enhancing customer-driven social protection technologies addressing current and emerging needs and issues of poor, vulnerable, and disadvantaged individuals, groups, and families.


The Policy and Plans Sub-Cluster shall be responsible for fulfilling the DSWD’s roles on policy and plans development, implementation of programs and services for the poor, vulnerable, and marginalized sectors of society.

The Policy and Plans Sub-Cluster shall be headed by the Undersecretary for Policy and Plans, assisted by the Assistant Secretary for Policy and Plans, and shall include the Policy Development and Planning Bureau (PDPB), the National Household Targeting Office (NHTO), and the Resource Generation and Management Office (RGMO).


The OUSPP shall provide overall supervision, policy direction, and input in the management and operations of the key offices under its Sub-Cluster.  


The primary responsibility of the OASPP to assist the OUSPP in the overall formulation, communication, implementation, and evaluation of the DSWD’s policies and plans.         

Policy Development and Planning Bureau (PDPB)

The PDPB provides leadership in developing policies and plans of the DSWD and of the social welfare and development sector. To ensure that plans and policies are evidence-based, the PDPB shall also lead in conducting researches, and monitoring and evaluating plans and policies to influence decisions of DSWD Management. At the regional and international levels, the PDPB shall support the leadership role of the DSWD in ASEAN, APEC, and the UN in matters concerning social welfare and development.

National Household Targeting Office (NHTO)

The NHTO ensures the development and adoption of relevant unified criteria to identify poor households who would be beneficiaries of social protection programs. It aims to improve access to, and utility of, the national database of poor households of and to various social protection stakeholders.

Resource Generation and Management Office (RGMO)

The RGMO is responsible for providing support to OBSUs in accessing grants and Technical Assistance (TA) from the DSWD’s development partners.


GASSG provides leadership, staff expertise, and strategic support in managing physical infrastructures, assets, financial resources, human resources, procurement activities, and other logistical requirements in a manner that is transparent, accountable, proactive, results-oriented, and value-adding to the stewardship of DSWD resources.

GASSG shall have two (2) Sub-Clusters: the Administration Sub-Cluster and the Support Services Sub-Cluster. There shall also be a Department Security Office (DSO), which shall be under the direct supervision of the Undersecretary for GASS.


The OUSGASS is responsible for providing the Secretary advice and assistance relevant to the operations of the Department, specifically on asset management, infrastructure development, financial management, human resource management, procurement management, and other strategic support services. The OUSGASS takes charge of overall supervision of the offices under the Cluster.

Department Security Office (DSO)

The DSO shall oversee the overall security of the DSWD Central Office and the FOs, including warehouses and other facilities. All FO security officers shall coordinate with and report to the DSO.


The Administration Sub-Cluster shall be headed by the Assistant Secretary for Administration, and shall include the Administrative Service (AS) and the Human Resource Management and Development Service (HRMDS).


The OASA is responsible for providing the Secretary and the OUSGASS advice and assistance relevant to the operations of the Department, specifically on human resource management, asset management, infrastructure development, and related strategic support services. The OASA directly supervises the AS and the HRMDS.

Administrative Service (AS)

The AS is primarily responsible for providing, maintaining, and managing logistical requirements to support the DSWD in attaining its vision and mission. It develops policies, and formulates plans and programs, related to the provision of logistical services. It is also responsible for providing services related to property management, records management, property and infrastructure maintenance, transportation, communication, utilities, and janitorial and security services. It ensures that appropriate management systems and procedures are in place for efficient and effective administrative services.

Human Resource Management and Development Service (HRMDS)

The HRMDS is responsible for services related to analyzing the DSWD’s staffing patterns, and recruiting, capacitating, and ensuring the wellbeing of DSWD personnel toward greater employee productivity and overall organizational effectiveness. It leads the development of policies and systems on workforce planning, recruitment, selection and placement, performance management, learning and development, leadership development, employee relations, personnel administration, and competency-based human resources.


The Support Services Sub-Cluster shall be headed by the Assistant Secretary for Support Services, and shall include the Finance and Management Service (FMS), the Procurement Management Service (PMS), and the Legal Service (LS).


The OASSS is responsible for providing the Secretary and the OUSGASS advice and assistance relevant to the operations of the Department, specifically on financial management, procurement management, legal management, and related strategic support services. The OASSS directly supervises the FMS, the PMS, and the LS.

Finance and Management Service

The FMS is responsible for preparing and implementing an effective financial plan to support the DSWD’s programs, projects, and activities aimed at achieving its desired organizational outcomes and agency mandate; developing and implementing policies and guidelines for the effective, efficient, and economical management of financial resources of the DSWD; managing financial and related non-financial information systems to ensure timely compliance with reportorial requirements of oversight agencies and statutes, and to support or provide DSWD Management with relevant information, advice, and options in the decision-making process; and evaluating and analyzing the operating performance of OBSUs.

Procurement Management Service (PMS)

The PMS is responsible for ensuring the efficient, effective, and timely provision of goods and non-consulting services, contracting for infrastructure projects, and consulting services to support the DSWD in attaining its vision and mission. It shall lead all activities of the DSWD pertaining to procurement planning, purchasing, and contract management and monitoring.

Legal Service (LS)

The LS provides legal assistance and support to the DSWD’s various OBSUs and personnel by handling administrative and litigated cases involving the DSWD or DSWD personnel, providing legal opinions and advice on matters involving the DSWD mandate and the exercise of its official powers and functions, and rendering related services.


The SCG shall be the strategic group to address other social welfare and development concerns not covered by the other operations groups and units, monitoring and improvement of center-based programs, and other special concerns. The SCG shall be headed by the Undersecretary for Special Concerns, assisted by three (3) Assistant Secretaries, one for each Island cluster.


The OUSSC shall assist the Secretary in addressing timely and emerging social welfare and development concerns.


The Office of the Assistant Secretary for Luzon Affairs shall assist the Secretary and the OUSSC address timely and emerging concerns common to all the Regions located within the Luzon island cluster, i.e., Regions I, II, III, V, the Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR), and the National Capital Region (NCR), CALABARZON, and MIMAROPA. The Assistant Secretary for Luzon Affairs shall also implement and/or oversee any Special Project the Secretary may assign.


The Office of the Assistant Secretary for Visayas Affairs shall assist the Secretary and the OUSSC address timely and emerging concerns common to all the Regions located within the Visayas island cluster, i.e., Regions VI, VII, and VIII. The Assistant Secretary for Visayas Affairs shall also implement and/or oversee any Special Project the Secretary may assign.


The Office of the Assistant Secretary for Mindanao Affairs shall assist the Secretary and the OUSSC address timely and emerging concerns common to all the Regions located within the Mindanao island cluster, i.e., Regions IX, X, XI, XII, and CARAGA, as well as coordinate and liaise with the DSWD-Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (DSWD-ARMM). The Assistant Secretary for Mindanao Affairs shall also implement and/or oversee any Special Project the Secretary may assign.