South African Child's Passports

South African Child’s Passports

South African Child’s Passports, The Child passports are issued to children who are fifteen years and below. These passports are not renewable. On their expiry, applications for new passports will have to be filed.

Checklist of Documents to be Submitted:

Application forms plus supporting documentation must be submitted in duplicate. Please ensure that you have two sets of the application: 1) the original application form(s) with supporting documents, and 2) a copy of the whole set.

  • DHA-529 Determination of citizenship. This form must be completed by all applicants
  • DHA-73 Passport Application Form. Please note that both parents should sign the DHA 73. If either parent cannot sign, a letter of consent in a form of affidavit and certified/notarized copy of ID will be accepted. If either parent cannot be in attendance, a letter of consent in a form of affidavit and certified/notarized copy of ID will be accepted.
    If divorced and sole parental rights and responsibilities in regard to guardianship have not been granted to one parent, the child and both parents should sign the application form when the application is submitted.
    If a parent is deceased, his or her death certificate and a copy thereof must accompany the application for passport.
    In the case of minors born out of wedlock, the biological father’s consent will also be required if any of the circumstances as outlined in Section 21 of the Children’s Act, 1995, are applicable, the child and both parents should be in attendance when the application is submitted.
    If the applicant is in the care of a guardian other than the parents, proof of High Court’s appointment must accompany the application.
    If a parent cannot be located or refuses to consent, or a dispute concerning consent arises, the matter should be referred to the Children’s Court. The Court’s decision must be submitted with the application for the passport.
  • See sample DHA-73
  • Notarized Copy of South African Birth Certificate;
  • Notarized Copy of South African Passport;
  • Letter of permission to issue a passport. To be submitted in cases when parents of the child concerned are divorced and only one has physical custody. The parent not having custody but allowed by the court to have access to the child can provide the requested letter of permission. In terms of South African passport regulations, the parent who has sole custody and guardianship can sign passport applications of their children on their own.
  • Four (4) passport size (2″ x 2″) photos. Please note that color photos which comply with the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) standards for passports photo images are required for South African passport applications. Please ensure that your mouth is closed and your teeth are not showing on the photo. Passport applications in which the photo and signature images do not meet quality standards will be rejected causing delays in the issuance of passports.
  • Attention New York Applicants: The South African Consulate General in New York will no longer accept prepaid envelope/labels from FedEx and UPS with immediate effect. Applicants are welcome to enclose only USPS self-addressed, pre-paid courier envelope for this office to facilitate return services.