National Department Of Health Strategic Plan

National Department Of Health Strategic Plan

National Department Of Health Strategic Plan; The strategic plan was prepared in 2009 due the the huge lapses recognized within the health system of South Africa. The huge difference between the health care delivery system of the public and private system drove the government into drawing the strategic plan in order to find lasting solutions to these lapses within the health delivery system.
In response to these burdens, the country developed a Ten Point Plan to overhaul the health system. In addition, the National Service Delivery Agreement was signed with the President. In this agreement, there are four outputs namely; Increasing Life Expectancy; Decreasing Maternal and Child mortality; Combating HIV and AIDS and Decreasing the Burden of Diseases from TB; and Strengthening Health System Effectiveness.
Since launching the HIV Counselling and Testing (HCT) Campaign with the President in 2009, we have tested more than 20 million people. This is an enormous achievement and has assisted in early detection and treatment as well as prevention.
Download the full National Department Of Health Strategic Plan document below
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