Functions Of Department Of Rural Development And Land Reform

Functions Of Department Of Rural Development And Land Reform

Functions Of Department Of Rural Development And Land Reform,

South Africans have reason to be proud of their achievements over the past 18 years. Dating from the election in April 1994, in which our country chose democracy as its badge and a rainbow as its symbol, our people have set aside their previous divisions and wholeheartedly embraced one another, united in a shared vision for national progress on an increasingly competitive international stage. Remarkably, the country has managed to achieve and sustain impressive economic growth.

Through targeted government programmes, the following milestones have been achieved:

  • Poverty has been significantly reduced in terms of income, access to social services and assets;
  • Over 12 million people have benefited from government’s social security assistance programme;
  • The number of people with access to electricity and water services has dramatically increased;
  • More than three million South Africans have been assisted through housing subsidies;
  • Almost 10 million South Africans now have a place they can call home; and
  • More than half of all households are headed by women.

Against this background, government reiterated that the fight against poverty remained the most important fight on its agenda. In this spirit, a need for a new economic and developmental trajectory was identified as an urgent priority, and with this objective government identified five strategic areas as priorities over the next five years.

  • These areas are:
  • The creation of decent work and sustainable livelihoods
  • Education
  • Health
  • Rural development, food security and land reform
  • The fight against crime and corruption.

It was recognised afresh that the social and economic transformation of South Africa would be incomplete without the implementation of fundamental interventions to address the challenges faced daily by the majority of people in rural areas. These challenges include limited economic activity, inadequate infrastructure, widespread poverty, high unemployment and unmarketable skills levels.

Key priorities

  • To roll out the CRDP to all rural municipalities;
  • To improve productivity in land reform projects through effective implementation of the Recapitalisation and Development Programme (RADP);
  • To expedite the finalisation of land claims;
  • To improve corporate governance and ensure enhanced service delivery;
  • To implement proper change management and innovation strategies; and
  • To enhance the efficiency of information management systems.

Through the implementation of this strategy, the department aims to achieve its goal of social cohesion.
This Mid-term Review highlights the progress of the department in implementing its strategy and achieving its objective.

To provides Corporate Support Services and to manage project across the DRDLR Provincial Office.


• Monitor, manage and mainstream relevant developmental programmes
• Execute the projects, manage change and close the projects
• Render corporate and financial support service.