Department Of Mineral Resources Papua New Guinea

Department Of Mineral Resources Papua New Guinea

Department Of Mineral Resources Papua New Guinea, The Mineral Resources Authority (MRA) of Papua New Guinea (PNG) is a Government Agency and all functions are executed on behalf of the Government of PNG.

The Mineral Resources Authority was established through the enactment of the Mineral Resources Authority Act 2005 by Parliament. The Act came into effect on January 1 persuant to the Gazettal Notice No. G16 of 2006

Mineral Resources Authority (MRA) Structure

The Authority is structured into five divisions with a Special Projects Unit within the Managing Directors Office. MRA Divisions are;

    • Corporate Services Division (CSD) – The division provides ongoing human resource, financial, and information technology services and support to MRA and its Board.
    • Development Coordination Division (DCD) The division ensures that exploration and mining activities in Papua New Guinea are done within the regulatory and policy framework, with benefits from these activities being distributed fairly and transparently to all beneficiaries and stakeholders. DCD have four branches; Exploration Coordination, Mining Project Coordination and Sustainable Development. The division also has a small Gender Coordination Unit that deals with gender participation/issues, for all three branches.
  • Geological Survey Division (GSD) – Geological Survey’s primary function is to carry out earth sciences research and studies and process the field data to assist and promote exploration, geological and related activities in the mineral sector. It also manages the MRA Library which is a depository of all exploration and mining; and other earth science related activities in Papua New Guinea.
  • Regulatory Operations Division (ROD) – This division contains the Tenements and Mines Safety Branch that carry out regulatory functions of exploration and mining in Papua New Guinea.
  • Special Projects Unit (SPU) – One of the small units that deals with the administering and management of all special projects. This includes on-going development and support function in the areas of project procurement, financial accounting and management for the European Union (SYSMIN), World Bank and other future donor funded projects.

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