Department Of Agriculture Forestry And Fisheries Mandate

Department Of Agriculture Forestry And Fisheries Mandate

The mandate of the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries is to lead, support and promote agricultural, forestry and fisheries resources management through policies, strategies and programmes to enhance their sustainable use; and to achieve economic growth, job creation, food security, rural development and transformation. The Government priority outcomes through which agriculture, forestry and fisheries sectors will play a role in addressing the country’s broad national challenges in the medium term strategic framework (MTSF) are:

Ø      Decent employment through inclusive economic growth (Outcome 4).

Ø      Vibrant, equitable and sustainable rural communities contributing towards food security for all (Outcome 7).

Ø      Protect and enhance our environmental assets and natural resources (Outcome 10).


The key strategic goals for the Department over the MTEF period as identified in the 2011/12 Strategic Plan and on which each programme’s strategic objectives are based, are:


Ø      Increased profitable production of food, fibre and timber products by all categories of producers (subsistence, smallholder and commercial).

Ø       Sustained management of natural resources.

Ø      Effective national regulatory services and risk management systems.

Ø      A transformed and united sector.

Ø      Increased contribution of the sector to economic growth and development.

Ø      Effective and efficient governance.